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What is RSS Feeds

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RSS Stands for Really Simple Syndication. It provides a standardized format to allow the information to be accessed by many programs. These are also known as “web feeds”. People can subscribe to RSS feeds and get latest updates from the site with the help of a specialized program known as RSS reader. Some of the popular RSS readers which helps people to read their favorite feeds are Google readerFeed reader etc. 

Example of RSS File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title>Your RSS Feed Title Goes Here</title>
        <description>Your RSS Feed description goes here</description>
        <link>Link to your website</link>
        <lastBuildDate>Date when the feed was last build </lastBuildDate>
        <pubDate>Date when the feed was published </pubDate>
                <title>Title of item 1</title>
                <description>Description of item 1</description>
                <link>link to the item</link>
                <pubDate>Date of publication of item 1</pubDate>
                <title>Title of item 2</title>
                <description>Description of item 2</description>
                <link>link to the item</link>
                <pubDate>Date of publication of item 2</pubDate>
                <title>Title of item 3</title>
                <description>Description of item 3</description>
                <link>link to the item</link>
                <pubDate>Date of publication of item 3</pubDate>
                <title>Title of item n</title>
                <description>Description of item n</description>
                <link>link to the item</link>
                <pubDate>Date of publication of item n</pubDate>

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